Who am I?
I'm Elsie Gilmore, and I'm a GenX writer, activist, adventurer, web guru, and hug evangelist. My life is nothing particularly special, but I know how to find joy in all the little moments. I can make an adventure out of everyday activities, which makes every day an adventure.
My favorite time/place of the week is Sunday morning, laying in bed with nowhere to be except snuggled up with my cat or another human, feeling grateful for all I have.
Although I’ve worked in a technology field for two decades, and I believe that a lot of technology is valuable and improves our lives, technology also has the ability to isolate and separate us. It creates funnels in our lives that limit our exposure to “new” or challenging information. It limits our exposure to people who are not like us and allows us to self-isolate away from those people.
The more I talk to people in real life, the more I love humanity with all its textures and colors. When I lose faith in humanity, I simply step away from my computer and walk out my door into the world. When I talk to and interact with people face to face, I remember that we are all very much alike and that most people are good.
In my writing, I focus on observations about the world based on my experiences and the wisdom gained from a lifetime of learning how to find joy the hard way.
I was an early blogger (circa 2002) and am a lifelong writer. Check out some older content from my Urban Mayhem Project blog, including a 4-part series about my trip to Cuba in 2017. Along with being a web developer for 20 years, I also founded, grew, and sold a women’s networking company in Sarasota, Florida, called Women With Moxie. It was an incredibly rewarding experience to help a bunch of creative, entrepreneurial women connect and collaborate.
Buy You’re a Nice Guy, But You’re Bad in Bed on Amazon in ebook or paperback.
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Other projects I’m working on are The Hugmobile, a novel called Howard Hoax (written but not published), and a memoir called The Brompton Diary. I’ll also be working on a set of Anti-Capitalist Affirmation Cards and a social game played with a set of cards. Follow along with me on these exciting journies!
What is this?
Sunday Mornings in Bed is my observations on life, relationships, travel, and current events. It’s also a place where I share my thoughts on finding joy, rejecting fear, and standing up to our corrupt system of capitalism. My experiences are often interesting, funny, and/or poignant, and they sometimes lead to magical outcomes or memories. Sunday Mornings in Bed also has updates on my creative projects.
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